2023 in Review
When I first created this website, I had some stories in my back pocket and rough idea of where I was heading. I don’t think I ever could have predicted where I would end up though. Given its the end of the year, I thought I would give a recap of Bakemono Classroom for 2023 and offer a glimpse of what is to come:
19 Stories were uploaded
The Noppera-bo *
The Noppera-bo (Primary Version) *
Maneki Neko *
Vendi the Vending Machine
Curse of the Colonel
The Okiku Doll *
The Computer Curse
Donald McDonald and the Colonel
Robert’s Date
Hachiko *
Festival of the Souls *
Teru Teru Bouzu *
Petty Crimes: Parallel Investigations
Koi No Hi *
Denny the Densha: Trouble on the Tracks *
Otawa Falls *
Nezumi no Sumo
The Akaname *
Many Teaching Resources were uploaded
88 Bakemono Hiragana Flashcards
Hiragana practice booklet
Scope and Sequence
Blank templates
Kotobazuru cards
Hiragana bookmarks
Denny origami
Colouring in sheets
Cultural Connection sheets
Story Sleuth sheets
Nezumi no sumo mini books
English versions of stories
Digital storybooks
Festival of the Souls Mini-books
Denny the Densha Mini-books
Writing your own story guide
YouTube Channel created
YouTube videos created
Other things of Note
Bakemono Classroom stories were published on Amazon and StoryJumper, becoming physically available for the first time. When I opened my first book, I shared the experience with my parents, which is something I’ll never forget. When I held that first book in my hands I felt something I didn’t expect, an ever so small shift from teacher/author to author/teacher. My feet are firmly on the ground though, I know that is a long way away.
I reconnected with the Terry Waltz’s CCR group and have made some great friends
I received a grant to travel to Japan to research locations for my stories (unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go). Maybe next year?
The Dead Zone writing competition for beginners was established
Some interesting statistics from the year
933 illustrations were drawn!
One Apple pencil was replaced!
One book was eaten
Average bedtime was 2:11am
People from 33 different countries visited the website
1,068 cups of coffee we consumed
Looking ahead to 2024
Somehow there is already some things in the pipeline for 2024. Here is what is in development:
The Story Pit, my first short story/flash fiction book, is in the final stages of development and should be available in early January on Amazon
A YouTube series where I record some Story-Listening sessions with select stories from The Story Pit
The 11 stories with asterisks at the top of the page will be rolled out (extremely slowly) through Amazon
12 more Hiragana flashcards will be added to the Bakemono flashcard set, bringing the total to 100
Bakemono Katakana flashcards will be released
6 more full-length Japanese stories will be released, they are half-written, waiting to be illustrated
The website will be split into student and teacher areas
There is actually one more thing I would like to put in this list, in fact it is already underway, but it’s a bit of a secret.
It makes you wonder what I would have done if I’d decided to not start the website. I said right back at the beginning of all of this, that this year was shaping up to be another humdrum year, where all you do is teach your classes, drive home, fall into the couch and incrementally get a little older and fatter. Would that have happened? Would I have ever held my first ever book in my hands if I didn’t start a website? They aren’t dependent on each other, but it makes you wonder. Food for thought as we move towards a new year.
From me to you, I want to thank you wholeheartedly for helping me along this journey. I hope you will stay along for the ride in 2024!