Have you ever wanted to learn Japanese, but didn't know where to start?

  • Step 1

    Language learning doesn't need to be a grind, it should be compelling, from the very start.

    Hiragana Noir: Shadows in the Dark is an original neo-noir detective story, designed to introduce you to Hiragana while you read. Shadows in the Dark isn't a tokenistic story either, it is a fleshed out narrative, complete with its own soundtrack and flashcards.

    This is Step 1 in the Bakemono Classroom curriculum and is your first step in Japanese language journey. Free sample available Now!

  • Step 2

    Your Japanese learning journey doesn’t stop with Hiragana.

    Katakana Noir: Petty Crimes, is the sequel to Shadows in the Dark and picks up where the mystery left off, immersing you in a new detective tale designed to introduce you Katakana as you follow the story. With a unique soundtrack and flashcards, this is more than just language learning - it’s an experience.

    This is Step 2 in the Bakemono Classroom curriculum.

  • Step 3

    Knowing where to take your studies can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be.

    The Story Pit is a collection of 20 unique flash fiction, vignettes and short stories in Japanese. It is designed to take you from Hiragana and Katakana, building towards the foundational skills needed for JLPT N5. With notes and illustrations to keep things comprehensible, this is a unique student and teacher resource.

    This is Step 3 in the Bakemono Classroom curriculum and a true beginners Japanese story book. Available Now!